Don't Bother I'll be fine

Igår va jag hemma hos Lina-fina vi hade suuuper mysiigt, åt tacos och äum drog en del slutsatser kring viktiga ämnen eller vad säger du Linus image93 Halv tittade på "Once upon a time in mexico" har sätt den förut men den e faktiskt bra, med bland annat  Antonio Banderas (Zorro )Salma Hayek ( Många grabbars favoriiiit) Och sist men DEFINITIVT inte minst  Johnny Depp (Vad kan jag säga annat än FETT HETT)  När jag kom hem jazzade jag lite till spansk musika haha jag lyssnar FÖR mycke på spansk musik nu för tiden, spanskan tar över mitt liv, de blir shakira oftast för de är väl den mest lättsmälta spanska musiken så att säga haha. Idag har jag knappt gjort något alls... riktigt trist faktiskt men man kan ju  inte ha kul alltid. Så idag får de bli en riktig pluggdag BUÄÄÄÄÄ... vill inteeee.

Men de blir skönt när jag är klar x) man får tänka possitivt

Här kommer ennu en shakira låt, inte på spanska dock men de är en som de flesta känner igen i alla fall

Kyss på er

Don't Bother

She's got the kind of look that defies gravity
She's the greatest cook
And she's fat free (fat free fat free fat free)

She's been to private school
And she speaks perfect French
She's got the perfect friends
Oh isn't she cool

She practices Tai Chi
She'd never lose her nerve
She's more than you deserve
She's just far better than me

Hey, hey

So don't bother
I won't die of deception
I promise you won't ever see me cry
Don't feel sorry

And don't bother
I'll be fine
But she's waiting
The ring you gave to her will lose its shine
So don't bother, be unkind

I'm sure she doesn't know
How to touch you like I would
I beat her at that one good
Don't you think so?

She's almost six feet tall
She must think I'm a flea
I'm really a cat you see
And it's not my last life at all

Hey, hey

So don't bother
I won't die of deception
I promise you won't ever see me cry
Don't feel sorry

Don't bother
I'll be fine
But she's waiting
The ring you gave to her will lose its shine
So don't bother, be unkind

For you, I'd give up all I own
And move to a communist country
If you came with me, of course
And I'd file my nails so they don't hurt you
And lose those pounds, and learn about football
If it made you stay, but you won't, but you won't

So don't bother,
I'll be fine, I'll be fine, I'll be fine, I'll be
Promise you won't ever see me cry(cry cry cry cry y y y y y)

And after all I'm glad that I'm not your type
Promise you won't ever see me cry y

Don't bother,
I'll be fine, I'll be fine, I'll be fine, I'll be
Promise you won't ever see me cry cry cry cry y y y

And after all I'm glad that I'm not your type
(Not your type, not your type, not your type)
Promise you won't ever see me cry cry cry y y y y


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